Thursday, September 3, 2015

Girl Got Away : Namibian Wave Porn

Majestic, impalpable, elusive, jupiterious, something you can only see with your own eyes, something you can only feel with your own soul, no camera, no matter how fancy could ever capture Her. Not that She even wants to be captured, or cares for you at all. Like the girl who got away, She doesn't give a shit about you, if you get Her high speed spitting hurl once than consider yourself a very lucky human. Will you get Her again? I highly doubt it! Because She is unruly, She is very hard to get to, and you will spend a fortune to see Her. If you take on the very arduous journey to see Her than you will be frozen and fatigued the whole time in Her presence. She will be seldom and fickle in Her ways, She might even stand you up, but when She grinds with perfection you will become her slave. You will become an addict to Her waiting for your next injection, longing for your next fix...forever. Beware of Her, because She will eat you alive and spit you out and you will remain with the dead carcasses rotting on Her shoreline. Hahaha! Enjoy the free wave porn and give thanks to Mother Nature!

Lots of Love,



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