Monday, March 9, 2015

A Natural Path to Healing Acne

I struggled with acne for most of my teenage years and even into adulthood. Needless to say it was not fun but it did teach me to rely on my inner beauty, thus giving me a valuable life lesson.  Along my path with acne I tried many different methods to heal and as I grew closer to a natural path I found that my acne started to heal and finally completely vanished.  Our skin is our body's biggest organ and it absorbs whatever we put onto it!  With this simple information I developed a rule of thumb.  

If I'm not willing to eat it, than I'm not willing to put it on my skin.

With this simple rule in hand my journey for clear skin became simplified to these natural products and lifestyle choices.  Below explains the beauty routine and lifestyle choices that will heal your acne naturally and leave you with flawless glowing skin.  

Flawless Skin Routine: 

1.  Face Wash - Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Bar Soap

2.  Moisturizer - Organic Raw Virgin Coconut Oil with Lavender Essential Oil 

3.  Weekly Mask/Spot Treatment - Aztec Indian Healing Clay with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

4.  Hydration, Restorative Sleep, Healthy Diet and Daily Exercise

How to use these products safely

1.  Wash face 1-2 times a day.

2.  Apply coconut oil to skin with 2 drops lavender oil after ever wash and shower.

3.  Make mud mask weekly with 1 part dried mud to half part purified water and one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar.  After mixed, apply to skin, leave on till dry and cracked then wash off with warm water.  

Why will these simple and natural products heal your acne? 

1.  Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap is 100% pure Castile soap with no sulfates.  The peppermint has a cooling effect that inhibits bacteria growth, reduces testosterone production and reduces inflammation.   

2.  Coconut Oil is full of Lauric acid, this helps replace the protective acid layer on the skin.  It is also full of vitamin E which treats the root cause of acne and clears blockage. 

3.  Lavender Oil has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling and redness and fights the bacteria that causes acne.  

4.  Aztec Indian Healing Clay is made from Botanical clay which draws out impurities from your skin.  You can literally feel it working!  

5.  Apple Cider Vinegar aids detoxification and is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.  Please note that one should always dilute ACV with purified water.  At least 1 cup of water to 2 tablespoons.

6.  Lifestyle choices will always play a roll in the quality of your skin.  It is recommended to drink plenty purified water, get plenty of restorative sleep, sweat daily, get your heart rate moving and eat clean! 

Lastly, we are all different.  No-ones skin is the same.  What works for one person might not work for another.  It is important to know yourself well enough to know what works for you.  This is what works for me and I found this method through trial and error.  Feel free to try my method out and adjust it to your lifestyle and your skin type.  

Happy healing!  Lots of Love!  


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