Wednesday, April 1, 2015

An Evolution: After Insanity Remains Love

I have been thinking a lot about love lately.  As you and I know, love is not always easy but it is always fruitful...even if we are unaware of its bounty.  I have struggled with love, spent years of my life obsessed with each moment, each flutter and poured it all into poetry.  As I dedicated my life to poetry I found myself a manic mess, with tattered notebooks full, reading poems to anyone willing to listen, and most probably annoying a few people in my path.  Regardless of how others felt at the time, it felt right and it was honestly all I could do to express myself in a rather mad world.  In retrospect, I can see that I was boiling in a bit of a stew.  A stew of insanity.  Do not get me wrong.  I enjoyed it, would never replace it and will never regret living in my boiling stew.  However, as I grew, as we all do...I learned another side of love.    

Insanity.  A definition that goes a little like this : repeating the same thing over and over and over, expecting different results each time while using the same stupid method one used the first several times and getting the exact, same old, shit results.  Into easy terms, person A goes out for a night out on the town and drives under the influence and gets caught drinking and driving.  Oh shit!  Court, lawyers, on and so froth.  Person A goes out for a night out on the town and drives under the influence and gets into a minor fender bender.  Oh shit shit!  Court, lawyers, regret, car on and so forth.  Person A goes out for a night out on the town and drives under the influence and gets into a major car crash and kills women, children and puppies.  OH SHIT SHIT, MAJOR SHIT!  Court, lawyers, regret, jail time, on and so forth.  "Why, oh why didn't I just learn?" 

Okay, enough on the insanity rant.  Love that is immature simply loves insanity...the point I was finally getting at!  This is fine.  This is a step that enables one to reach a more mature love, an evolved love, a love that does not lust or want, but a love that only desires good hope and endless blessings.  The past three years of my life have been just that, an evolution of love.  Breaking free from the insanity and moving into clarity, because love that is mature is TRUE love.  

Whether it is poetry, pottery, painting, music, drawing, doodling, blogging or baking, if you are like me, then from time to time you find yourself in a mode of obsession.  This is fine.  Everything is always, reliably temporary.  Things always change.  Adapting to our changes is what can make or break us from succeeding with love. 

Life is short.  We will all die soon.  I don't say this in an alarming way or a negative way, simply in the speck of historical time, our lifetimes are just that, a what should I do with mine and what will you do with yours?  Make your speck spectacularly filled with true love?  I think so.  

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