Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Namibian Tidings

Travel, oh I could say so many clichés about you right now, but I won't.  We all know what travel does, how it makes us react, how it teaches us to have graduated and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.  It opens our soul up to true connectivity with old fashioned, eye to eye interaction and heart to heart emotion.  It is quite possibly the best education that money can buy at this point in human history and has arguably always been.  It's what brought your people to the lands they dwell in today. There's an ancient feel to it, exploring the unknown, meeting with odds and mysterious faces.  Yes, I am officially hooked like a heroin addict waiting for the next rush to hit my veins.  

Photo By Dawn Rouse
And so it is.  I found myself with a lover whom also is an addict of the Earth and there we found ourselves moving along together.  He, a wave rider for many years, simultaneously hooked on the great blue abyss, bounces around from shoreline to shoreline finding the bigger and badder wave to plunge himself into.  It was only natural for me to assume the role of the one woman film crew.  So there I was and here I am and ever since then I have been getting my brain massaged by waves of all kinds, hours upon hours of carefully examining each crest, each lip, each spit, extremely medicinal and heavily meditative, it has been a detoxing venture.  Andre calls it sea therapy and yes, it heals us.  I could not ask for better nor be any richer.  And I am not at all talking about money.

Low and behold, travel came a knocking once again to our humble door and it would be Namibia, a place utterly indescribable, a place where there are many different cosmic energy fields aligned to create some kind of freak show display of Mother Earth.  Now, I'm not one to normally go spouting off about energy fields, but trust me, if you have been to this place than you would know that what I am saying is pure fact.

The Earth in Namibia is raw, it's harsh, and for lack of a better term, very National Geographic worthy. Everywhere you look crystals glimmer at you, thousands of flamingos nod at you and billions of sand specks exfoliate you. Change is dramatically apparent in the Earth of Namibia, the sand dunes shift and cover my footprints within hours, salt cures here like large snow sheets, minerals and crystals alike are carefully composed here till found, if ever they are found.  Long and vast landscapes look at you through a single narrow and extremely straight road for miles into infinity. And that's not even getting started on the wave.

There is a wave there, a wave that last for what seems miles down an empty stretch of sand far off the beaten track.  In between sightings of hungry jackals, decomposed seal caucuses and a few other surfers there are no remnants of civilization. This wave is literally the most stunning wave of perfection that you will ever lay your eyes upon. Breaking and barreling for miles, there is a powerful and infinite feeling about witnessing such a glorious creation. And like most glorious things in life, there is a price one has to pay. Imagine the harshest and most chilling wind imaginable paired with morning mist thick as a brick and then a sweltering sun which blisters your lips. Needless to say, it isn't easy, it's not like filming in Durban, bikini suited up, catching a tan....but for some reason it feels more.  Perhaps I am a masochist?!  But really, when travel takes me to the outer edges of the Earth, away from the structures of society, I find my most true and my most authentic peace.  And fuck, it's nice to check in with that from time to time.

So here's to the Earth and this tiny Namibian corner of it, you have replenished my soul with what once was and now is.  I will surly see you and your sparkling crystals again.

And here's to you and your travels, and to whatever allows you to check in with your most true and most authentic peace.


Lots of Love,


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