Saturday, April 25, 2015

Detox Water

Okay, so if you are like me than you have tried many different varieties of home brewed flavored water.  And if not, give it a try for a week and I guarantee that you will become hooked!  I have been infusing my water for the last year now and have found that it is not only amazing in its taste but also curbs my hunger and helps me keep properly hydrated.  Not to mention the long, very long list of health benefits!

After many attempts I have found that my favorite infusion recipe is lemon, cucumber and mint.  It is really very simple, all you must do is prepare your water in the evening, leave it stored in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy your magically infused water that next morning.  I personally do my best to finish off my jug of infused water first thing upon waking up, to ensure my organs get a good start to the day!  After I finish off my jug I usually go ahead and refill it with purified water.  It is recommended to allow the infusion to take place, so let it brew for at least 3 hours till you indulge in your infused water.

Depending on your jug and taste, you can add more or less of the ingredients.  I personally use an old wine carafe so my recipe will be based on using .75 Liters of water.

What you will need:

  • 1 Lemon
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1/4 Cup Mint 


  1. Clean lemon, mint and cucumber thoroughly!  
  2. Optional:  Peel lemon and cucumber if they are not organic or home grown
  3. Thinly slice cucumber and lemon
  4. Place in clean glass jug
  5. Cover and store in refrigerator for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight  

The benefits of drinking water are endless. Science says that our bodies are roughly 60% water and that the Earth is roughly 70% water. Hence, water is the star, water takes the cake, and water is in fact most essential beverage available.

Water aids digestion, maintains body temperature, energizes muscles, helps in weight loss, promotes clear skin and hair, aids in nutrient absorption, assists your kidneys with waste removal, and on and on and on!

It is recommended that adults consume any where from 9-16 cups of water a day.  This is all dependent on contextual factors, like your weight, activity levels, and the climate you find yourself situated in and so on.  There is a great calculator available here if you would like to find the appropriate amount of water you need to receive all of the benefits.

Hydration Calculator

Lastly, forget the plastic bottles PLEASE!  There's enough waste on this glorious Earth and with the population currently over 7 billion, let's all do something simple to pitch in and get reusable water containers.

Imagine if everyday, every person consumed 1 bottle of water, for 1 week???!!!  That would be 7 billion X 7 days = 49 BILLION plastic bottles! Now that is a shit load of plastic, even all of the recycling plants in the world will not be able to keep up with this, sad but true.

All we can do is our best.  So let's do just that for our bodies, souls and our Earth!


Lots of Love, Trish

Coming Soon Mint Tutorial!

Mint - The easiest herb to grow at home, the herb that just keeps on giving!  So give up on buying it and start growing it on your own.  

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